为探索自噬在草莓叶片响应逆境胁迫中的作用,以‘宁玉’草莓为试材,研究了在黑暗、高盐、涝害、高温和干旱胁迫处理下,叶片自噬活动的情况以及Fa ATG5、Fa ATG6、Fa ATG7、Fa ATG8C、Fa ATG8F、Fa ATG12这6个自噬相关基因在草莓叶片中的半定量和定量表达情况。结果显示:在5种胁迫条件下,草莓叶片自噬小体的数量发生变化,都达到4个以上,其中在盐胁迫3 d时达到最多,为35个,在高温胁迫和干旱胁迫下出现先上升后下降的现象,说明高温和干旱胁迫对草莓伤害最为严重。在5种胁迫条件下,自噬相关基因表达总体呈上升趋势,并且在高温胁迫条件下,Fa ATG5、Fa ATG7、Fa ATG8F、Fa ATG12表达水平先升高后下降。在干旱胁迫条件下,Fa ATG6、Fa ATG8C、Fa ATG8F表达水平先升高后下降。Fa ATG8C和Fa ATG8F这两个基因对草莓叶片中自噬小体的形成以及应答不同胁迫中的作用更为重要。
In order to explore the role of autophagy in response of strawberry leaves to stress stress, we used ’Ningyu’ strawberry as test material to study the autophagy activity of leaves under dark, high salinity, waterlogging stress, high temperature and drought stress and Fa ATG5, Fa ATG6, Fa ATG7, Fa ATG8C, Fa ATG8F, Fa ATG12 in semi-quantitative and quantitative expression of strawberry leaves. The results showed that under the five stress conditions, the number of autophagic bodies in strawberry leaves varied by more than 4, which reached the maximum at 35 d after 3 d of salt stress and appeared at high temperature and drought stress Rise and fall of the phenomenon, indicating that high temperature and drought stress on strawberry damage is most serious. Under the five stress conditions, the expression of autophagy-related genes generally showed an upward trend, and the expression of Fa ATG5, Fa ATG7, Fa ATG8F and Fa ATG12 increased first and then decreased under the conditions of high temperature stress. Under drought stress, the expression of Fa ATG6, Fa ATG8C and Fa ATG8F increased first and then decreased. The Fa ATG8C and Fa ATG8F genes play an important role in the formation of autophagosomes and in response to different stresses in strawberry leaves.