西班牙建筑事务所Tabuenca&Leache Arquitectos需要设计建造一个可容纳400人的教堂,包括一个可以满足100人日常使用的小礼堂。按照城市规划,教堂所在的地块周围被8层楼高的建筑物包围,教堂正位于建筑中心,这样略显平淡的布局带来某种程度上的挑战。另外,项目所在地分为两个独立的方形地块,前期设计时,建筑师意识到对于两个方形地块关系的处理、以及其相互连接的方式,成为构建完整建筑综合体的支点与关键。教堂垂直于邻近的主要街道,遵照现有建筑的排列进行布局,如此一来,谨慎嵌入的教堂与现有建筑群的线条达成一致,毫无违和感。一个大型中庭作为外部
The Spanish architects Tabuenca & Leache Arquitectos need to design and build a chapel for up to 400 people, including a small auditorium for 100 people daily use. According to the city plan, the churches are surrounded by eight-storey buildings and the church is located in the center of the building. This slightly flat layout creates some degree of challenge. In addition, the project site is divided into two independent square plots. In the previous design, the architects realized that the handling of the relationship between the two square plots and how they were interconnected became the fulcrum and key to building a complete building complex. The church is perpendicular to the neighboring main streets and is laid out in accordance with the arrangement of the existing buildings. As a result, discreet churches agree with the lines of the existing buildings without any sense of violation. A large atrium serves as exterior