[email protected]问:我的孩子4岁多,从添加辅食开始,他的大便就不正常,快则两三天一次,慢则五六天一次。起初,即使大便间隔时间长,他排便也不算困难。最近,他排便变得越来越困难了,就像挤牙膏一样,而且大便特别干。我们试过一些方法,比如使用开塞露,但效果都是暂时的。请问,这种情况如何处理才好?石军就要从饮。2大夫答:如果孩子的肠道发育正常,不存在先天性疾病,食习惯和日常护理方面入手改善大便间隔时间长的问题
[email protected] Q: My child is more than 4 years old. Starting from adding food supplement, his stool is not normal. It takes about two or three days and slow once every five or six days. At first, he defecates is not difficult even if the stool interval is long. Recently, he has become more and more difficult to defecate, just like toothpaste, and the stool is particularly dry. We tried some methods, such as the use of Kaiser, but the effect is temporary. Excuse me, how to deal with this situation is good? 2 doctor A: If the child’s gut development is normal, there is no congenital disease, eating habits and routine care to improve stool interval for a long time