Closed-loop bulk air conditioning:A renewable energy-based system for deep mines in arctic regions

来源 :矿业科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aniu88
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With depletion of shallow deposits, the number of underground mines expected to reach more than 3 km depth during their lifetime is growing. Although surface cooling plants are mostly effective in mine air-conditioning, usually secondary cooling units are needed below 2 km depth. This need emerges due to the elevated thermal impacts caused by auto-compression of mine air as well as heat emissions from strata and mine machinery. As a result, in cold climates, like Canada, ultra-deep mines need their secondary underground cooling plants running year-round while the intake air must be heated to protect the sen-sitive machinery and liners from freezing during the winter season. To cool mine air, horizontal bulk-air-conditioners with direct spray cooling systems are commonly used due to their high performance. Conventionally, sprayed water in bulk-air-coolers are mechanically circulated and refrigerated in coupled refrigeration plants. This set up can be transformed to a natural cooling/heating process by resurfacing the warm underground bulk-air-cooler spray water for mine air heating on the surface and re-sinking the chilled water for cooling in the underground bulk air coolers. This could significantly cut-down the fossil-fuel consumption in bers for mine air pre-conditioning and refrigeration cost when applicable. This paper presents an anonymous real-life example to study the feasibility of the proposed idea for an ultra-deep Canadian mine.
目的:通过小鼠肝部分切除术建立小鼠急性肝损伤的动物模型,观察不同时间点肝损伤及肝再生的变化,探讨白介素-6(IL-6)在小鼠急性肝损伤后肝再生过程中可能的作用。   实验动物
一场没有硝烟的变革正在13亿中国人的餐桌之上进行。  2009年8月17日,农业部批准了两种水稻、一种玉米的转基因生产应用安全证书虽然颁布安全证书并不等于商业化,但转基因水稻的商业化种植却实质上在湖北等地已经悄悄进行。两会期间,包括河北大学中国乡村建设研究中心主任李昌平在内的120多位教授学者,联名向全国人大常委会提出建议,建议转基因主粮的是否推广,应该听取民众意见。  转基因技术在农业中应用以来