美国当今20多岁这代人正在逃避工作,逃避结婚,逃避高峰期出生者们的价值观念。他们为什么会有如此多的疑虑呢? 青年人在生活中难于作出决定,他们宁愿独自在喜马拉雅山上攀登,也不愿爬上众人一起爬的阶梯。他们没什么可崇拜的英雄,也没有赞美诗和召引他们前进的榜样。他们喜欢娱乐,但他们对事物注意的持久度却象电视荧光屏上的亮点一样一闪即逝。这些人痛恨雅皮士、嬉皮士和吸毒士。他们一再拖延婚期,因为他们害怕离婚。这一群体对兰杰·罗弗斯、
The present generation of the United States in their 20s is escaping from work, escaping marriage and escaping the values of born-born people. Why do they have so many doubts? It is difficult for young people to make decisions in their lives. They would prefer to climb alone in the Himalayas and not climb the steps they climb together. They have nothing to worship of heroes, no example of hymns and guidance for their advancement. They like to entertain, but the permanence they pay attention to things is as flashy as the bright spots on television screens. These people hate yuppies, hippies and druggists. They have repeatedly delayed their wedding because they are afraid of divorce. This group of Lange? Rovers,