在北京市门头沟、房山、大兴和通州等4个区选择15个典型设施菜地,设置田间观察对比试验,研究在北方设施菜地夏季甜玉米作为填闲作物的实际经济、环境综合效益。试验结果表明,种植甜玉米有较好经济效益,经济产量达15 168.0~20 332.8kg/hm2。在环境效益方面,种植甜玉米后可有效减少浅层土壤中的硝态氮含量,降低淋溶风险。与常规休闲(休闲期不种植作物)相比,种植甜玉米可使设施菜地0~100cm土层中的硝态氮含量平均减少290.4kg/hm2。在夏季休闲期种植甜玉米是北方设施菜地兼顾经济和环境效益的有效种植措施之一。
Fifteen typical vegetable gardens were selected in four districts of Mentougou, Fangshan, Daxing and Tongzhou in Beijing. A comparative field experiment was set up to study the actual economic and environmental benefits of using summer sweet corn as a catchy crop in the northern vegetable garden. The test results showed that planting sweet corn has good economic benefits and economic output reached 15 168.0 ~ 20 332.8 kg / hm2. In terms of environmental benefits, planting sweet corn can effectively reduce the nitrate content in shallow soil and reduce the risk of leaching. Compared with the normal leisure (no planting during leisure), the planting of sweet corn can reduce the nitrate nitrogen content in the 0 ~ 100cm soil layer of vegetable garden on average by 290.4kg / hm2. Growing sweet corn during summer leisure is one of the effective planting options for both northern and western facility landscaping economies and environmental benefits.