华岗的“鲁迅思想的逻辑发展”是一本充满了毒素的“书”,华岗在这本“书”里面,除了夸大鲁迅、巧妙地歪曲鲁迅来散布资产阶级思想毒素之外,还严重地危害了党的统一战线政策。茲分几点揭发如下: 第一、藉着研究鲁迅来危害统一战线政策统一战线政策,是中国革命的三大法宝之一。在目前进行社会主义建设和社会主义改造的过程中,仍有极端的重要性。宪法序言中规定:“我国人民在建立中华人民共和国的伟大斗争中,已经结成以中国共产党为领导的各民主阶级,各民主党派、各人民团体的广泛的人民民主统一战线。今后在动员和团结全国人民完成国家过渡时期总任务和反对内外敌人的斗争中,我国的人民民主统一战线将继续发挥它的作用。”直到最近,毛主席在他召
Huagang’s “Logical Development of Lu Xun’s Thought” is a “book” full of toxins. In addition to exaggerating Lu Xun, Huagang cleverly distorted Lu Xun to spread the bourgeois ideological toxins, Endangering the party’s united front policy. Here are some points that are exposed as follows: First, it is one of the three major magic weapons of the Chinese revolution to study Lu Xun’s policy of harming the united front policy. In the current process of socialist construction and socialist transformation, there is still an extremely great importance. The Preamble to the Constitution stipulates: “In the great struggle for the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, our people have formed extensive people’s democratic united front with various democratic classes, democratic parties and people’s organizations led by the Chinese Communist Party. In the future, In the struggle to unite the people of the entire country in completing the general tasks of the country during the transitional period and to oppose enemies both inside and outside China, the people’s democratic united front in our country will continue to play its role. ”Until recently,