2006.6.30 太阳在微笑今天,当记忆定格在我们向天空抛出学士帽的那一瞬,我淡淡地对蓝天笑了笑:“嗨!大学毕业了!” 望着昔日带给我梦想的校园,我咬了咬嘴唇,“收起梦想的翅膀,现实,需要我们用心灵去选择!”昨天看到一张英文报,上面刊登了一则消息:非洲一所儿童医院急需医务人员。看着画面上瘦骨如柴的孩子,我萌发了一股善良的冲动;去那儿!用我五年来学到的医务知识救救那些孩子。我知道,
2006.6.30 The sun is smiling Today, when memory freezes at the moment when we throw bachelor caps into the sky, I smiled lightly against the blue sky: “Oh! University graduated!” Looking at the dreams that I brought to my old days On the campus, I bite my lip and “put away the wings of my dreams. The reality requires us to choose with my heart!” Yesterday saw an English newspaper with a message: A children’s hospital in Africa is in urgent need of medical personnel. . Looking at the skinny children on the screen, I developed a kind of impulse; go there! Use the medical knowledge I learned in five years to save the children. I know,