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目前在作文批改这一环节是有的主张“精批细改,全批全改”;有的主张“有的放矢,突出重点”。实践证明,后一种做法是行之有效的。造成精批细改、全批全改的原因很多,有来自传统作文批改方法的束缚,有来自领导检查评比的约束,有来自学生家长方面评头品足 At present, in the process of composition correction, there are some claims that “finely approved and fine-tuned, and all batches of all reforms”; some advocate “targeting and highlighting key points.” Practice has proved that the latter approach is effective. There are many reasons for the meticulous fine-grained reforms and the whole batch of reforms. There are restrictions from the traditional methods of writing essay corrections, there are constraints from the leadership inspection and evaluation, and there are opinions from the parents of students.
从老家河南到新家北京,邻居因他而更方便,社区因他而更美丽,城市因他而更温暖  不是省市青联委员,更不是全国青联委员,却直接当选为全国青联常委,李高峰的跃升让人好奇。2001年,李高峰和妻子从老家河南来到北京,因为文化水平不高,刚开始他甚至很难找到合适的工作。但多年以后,他竟先后获得“北京好人”、“感动中原十大人物”、“河南省新长征突击手”、“全国劳动模范”等数十个荣誉称号,并且带出了一支一千余人的
2010年中国破碎锤需求量达到了45 000台,成为全球最大破碎锤市场。但由于我国液压破碎锤市场目前尚处于快速成长期,品牌众多,拼装产品、假冒伪劣产品充斥市场,真正具有影响力