为解决废弃混凝土长期堆放占用土地资源,破坏周围生态环境的问题,利用废弃混凝土粗骨料替代煤矸石制备充填膏体,分别测定了其初始坍落度与扩展度、流变性能,以及静置2 h后的坍落度与扩展度、泌水率及单轴立方体抗压强度。结果表明:废弃混凝土粗骨料对初始流动性能的影响显著,随着废弃混凝土粗骨料替代率的增加,初始坍落度由25 cm逐渐减小到22 cm,而对充填膏体的静置流动性能影响较小;随着废弃混凝土粗骨料替代率的增加,屈服应力及塑性黏度均呈上升趋势;废弃混凝土粗骨料对充填膏体的泌水有很好的抑制作用,随废弃混凝土粗骨料替代率的增加,泌水率由5.56%逐渐减小到4.61%;随着废弃混凝土粗骨料替代膏体矸石量的增加,废弃混凝土充填膏体试件的抗压强度先增大后减小,综合分析选取了废弃混凝土粗骨料替代矸石量的合理范围。
In order to solve the problem of long-term disposal of land occupied by waste concrete and the destruction of the surrounding ecological environment, the waste concrete was replaced by coarse aggregate of waste concrete to prepare filling paste, and the initial slump, expansion, rheological properties, Slump and spread after 2 h, bleeding rate and uniaxial cubic compressive strength. The results show that the initial flowability of waste concrete with coarse aggregates is significant. The initial slump decreases from 25 cm to 22 cm with the increase of the replacement rate of waste concrete. However, With the increase of the replacement rate of the coarse aggregate, the yield stress and the plastic viscosity all show an upward trend. The coarse aggregate of the waste concrete has a good inhibitory effect on the bleeding of the filling paste, With the increase of the replacement rate of coarse aggregate, the bleeding rate gradually decreased from 5.56% to 4.61%. With the increase of the amount of waste rock instead of the coarse aggregate, the compressive strength of waste concrete filled with plaster increased first After reducing, a comprehensive analysis of the selection of waste concrete coarse aggregate instead of a reasonable range of waste volume.