早几年国内股市一直处于颓势,投资者对股市的信心越来越不足,最大的问题就在于计划经济转型而来的股市完全由政府主导,政府权力无远弗届,但却不需要承担无限权力的责任,加上政府对股市信用的隐性担保,使得股市弄虚作假严重、投机炒作盛行,中小投资者的利益受到严重侵害。IPO则是这些问题的重灾区。随着一系列金改新政发布,尤其是IPO改革新政如一道惊雷炸响了资本市场。伴随着IPO公司名单的陆续公布,如何改善和优化融资结构和信贷结构,这成为201 4年金融改革的重点话题。
A few years ago, the domestic stock market has been declining. The investor confidence in the stock market is getting less and less. The biggest problem is that the stock market transformed from a planned economy is completely dominated by the government. Government power is unlimited but it does not have to bear the unlimited The responsibility of power, combined with the government’s implicit guarantee of the credit of the stock market, has caused the stock market to resort to fraud and speculation. The interests of small and medium-sized investors have been seriously infringed upon. IPO is the hardest hit by these issues. With a series of gold reform the release of the New Deal, especially the IPO reform of the New Deal as a thunderbolt rang the capital market. With the publication of the list of IPO companies successively, how to improve and optimize the financing structure and credit structure has become the key topic of the financial reform in 2014.