Mill rubber liners for industrial applications in the early 1960s were competitive in terms of wear costs in secondary grinding operations; although they cost more than steel liners, they had a longer wear life than steel liners. However, in roughing machines, rubber linings are not competitive in terms of wear cost or life-cycle alone. Costs have now changed, and in some applications this change is good for rubber linings; the cost of rubber linings can be reduced by a third to one half on a throughput basis. In addition, a number of new varieties of rubber have been developed to accommodate the harsh wear conditions commonly found in one mill. However, the wear life of rubber liners used in all mills is not long enough. In one mill, especially in self-abrasive (AG) and semi-autogenous (SAG) mills, the use of thicker rubber parts compensates for higher wear rates without adversely affecting mill throughput. But under very bad application conditions, rubber