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象山是浙东沿海的一个半岛县,是新茶区。1983年至1985年的茶叶滞销,使刚尝到种茶甜头的广大茶农生产积极性严重受挫,大批茶园荒芜,近万亩幼龄茶园失管,1985年茶叶产量仅750吨,产值204万元,分别比1982年降低31.8%和44.4%。1986年到1988年生产有所恢复,但是1989年后又出现了茶类结构性滞销。面对困难和变化多端的市场,我们及时调整了茶类结构,大力 Xiangshan is a peninsula county east coast of Zhejiang, is a new tea area. The poor sales of tea from 1983 to 1985 caused a serious setback in the enthusiasm of the majority of tea farmers who had just tasted the sweetness of tea growing. A large number of barren tea farms and nearly 10,000 mu of young tea plantation were put out of control. In 1985, the output of tea was only 750 tons with an output value of 2.04 million yuan, Respectively 31.8% and 44.4% lower than that of 1982. Production recovered from 1986 to 1988, but structural unsold tea appeared again after 1989. Faced with difficulties and changing markets, we promptly adjusted the structure of tea and vigorously
The pair interaction between bilayer membrane-coated nanosized particles has been explored by using the self-consistent field (SCF) theory. The bilayer membrane
小麦是我国主要的粮食作物之一,其品质受到人们越来越多的关注。醇溶蛋白是小麦加工品质特性的重要影响因素,主要决定面团的延展性。本研究以六倍体小麦(Triticum aestivum L.,2n=6x=42, AABBDD)及其近缘植物栽培一粒小麦(Triticummonococcum,2n=2x=24, AA)、拟斯卑尔脱山羊草(Aegilops speltoides,2n=2x=24, SS)、粗
The hydrophobicity of the lotus leaf is mainly due to its surface micro-nano composite structure. In order to mimic the lotus structure, ZnO micro-nano composit
We have studied the aggregation of particles on a hetero-suhstrate consisting of two different substrates A and B with finite surface barriers EAB and EBA betwe