
来源 :山东社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yya_ch
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改革开放以来,山东经济增长主要依赖投资拉动来实现,消费率偏低且持续下降。2009年在扩大内需政策的引导下,消费对经济增长的拉动作用明显增强,但仍然改变不了广大居民特别是农村居民消费不足的局面。山东省消费不足的重要制度性原因是支撑大众消费模式的社会保障制度失效,结构性原因是在社会贫富差距不断拉大的背景下“中等收入阶层”的弱小,农民的收入长期处于与大众消费模式不相称的低水平状态。应以富民政策为中心,以体制创新和政调整来创造山东省提升消费扩大内需的条件。可以采取的政策措施为加大收入分配制度改革的力度,有步骤提高劳动报酬在国民收入中所占比重,有效缩小贫富差距,提升工农大众的消费水平;健全社会保障制度,改善消费预期;促进农民增收,扩大农民消费需求;税收减免和降低行政管理费;提高劳动力素质,提升劳动者谈判地位。 Since the reform and opening up, Shandong’s economic growth mainly relies on investment-driven realizations, with low and declining consumer prices. Under the guidance of the policy of expanding domestic demand in 2009, the stimulus effect of consumption on economic growth is obviously enhanced, but it still can not change the situation of the under-consumption of vast numbers of residents, especially rural residents. The main reason for the lack of consumption in Shandong Province is the failure of the social security system that supports the mass consumption pattern. The structural reason is the weakness of the “middle-income class” in the context of ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor and the long-term Low-level state that is not commensurate with the mass consumption pattern. Focusing on the policy of enriching the people should be based on institutional innovation and political restructuring to create the conditions for Shandong Province to increase consumption and expand domestic demand. The policy measures that can be taken are to intensify the reform of the income distribution system, step up the proportion of labor remuneration in the national income, effectively narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and raise the consumption level of the workers and peasants; improve the social security system and improve consumer expectations; Promote peasants to increase income, expand peasant consumer demand; tax relief and reduce administrative fees; improve the quality of the workforce and enhance the negotiating position of workers.
摘 要:传统的小学语文阅读教学存在着重讲解轻口语的问题,这样不利于学生口语交际能力的提升。语文是一门语言学科,是以实现交流为目的的学科,这就要求小学语文阅读教学要重视口语交际能力的培养,只有这样才能提高学生的语文综合能力。本篇文章主要对小学语文阅读教学中口语交际能力培养存在问题进行分析和探究,并且提供了一些改善的建议,仅供参考。  关键词:小学语文;阅读教学;口语交际能力;培养  一、 引言  随
摘 要:中国古典诗词是我国约五千多年历史的沉淀,是中华民族的瑰宝。同时,古诗词学习也是中学教育时期的主要课程,通过培养学生审美观念来进行相关诗词的学习,可以激发学生的审美自觉性与积极性,增强学生感悟世界,探讨人生的意识,从而真正体会出诗词中描绘的境遇与感情,实现古诗词学习的高效性。  关键词:审美观;中学;古诗词  一、 引言  美是人类社会得以传承和发展的关键,正是通过审美观的建立,才使得人们对