移动互联网,近几年热得不能再热的领域。智能手机和平板电脑的快速普及,让移动互联网在短短的两三年时间里积累了互联网要花费十年才能累积的用户数。CNNIC(中国互联网络信息中心)发布的最新数据显示中国的手机网民已经达到4.64亿,可以说移动互联网已经累积了巨大的用户群,到了爆发的临界点,而作为移动互联网重要的收入来源——移动广告在中国却迟迟没有得到真正的爆发。据统计,201 2年,中国电视广告的总收入约为1270亿,互联网广告的总收入约为?50亿,而移动广告的收入仅为50亿左右,是电视广告的1/25,互联网广告的1/1 5。这与用户在媒体上花费的时间是极为不相称的。在“互联网女王”、全球项级风投KPCB的首席分析师玛丽米克尔(Mary Meeker)今年发布的《2013年互联网趋势
Mobile Internet, hot areas in recent years can not be hot. The rapid popularization of smartphones and tablets has allowed the mobile Internet to accumulate ten years of Internet users in just two or three years. The latest data released by CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) shows that the number of mobile Internet users in China has reached 464 million. It can be said that the mobile Internet has accumulated a huge user base to the critical point of the outbreak. As an important source of revenue for the mobile Internet, Mobile advertising in China has yet to be a real eruption. According to statistics, by 201 2, the total revenue of Chinese TV commercials is about 127 billion. The total revenue of Internet advertisements is about 5 billion yuan while the revenue of mobile advertisements is only about 5 billion yuan, about 1/25 of that of TV commercials. Internet advertising 1/1 5. This is the user’s time spent in the media is extremely disproportionate. In “Queen of the Internet,” Mary Meeker, chief analyst at global level venture VC firm KPCB, released this year’s "Internet Trends 2013