科技改变建材行业 创新驱动转型升级

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国家主席习近平强调,科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强。这表明,在我国发展新的历史起点上,科技创新必须摆在更加重要位置,中国已经吹响了建设世界科枝强国的号角。实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,必须坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求,加快各领域科技创新,掌握全球科技竞争先机。这是我们提出建设世界科技强国的出发 Xi Jinping, chairman of the State Council, stressed that science and technology are favored by the nation and that the country with strong science and technology is strong. This shows that at the starting point for the development of a new history in our country, science and technology innovation must be placed in a more important position. China has already sounded the horn for building a world-class powerhouse. To realize the goal of “one hundred and 100 years” and to realize the Chinese dream of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, we must uphold the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, face the world’s scientific and technological frontiers, face the main battlefields of the economy, face major national needs and speed up science and technology in all fields Innovation, master the global science and technology competition opportunities. This is our starting point for building a world science and technology powerhouse
地下火车仿佛城市的动脉,人就像血液里的诸种元素,终日里被运来运去,而城市也赖此生存和发展  说火车遍布法国生活的每个角落,一点也不过分;这话的意思,不是说连法国人的厨房都有火车开进,而是说不管城市还是乡村,不管居家还是旅行,法国人都离不开火车,坐火车去上学,坐火车去买一条丝巾或者去喝一杯咖啡,对于法国人来说,不过家常便饭。  当然法国人乘坐最多的还是地铁。地下火车仿佛城市的动脉,就像人血液里的诸种
China’s rail industry has made much headway thanks to rapid development over the past decades. The progress made, particularly in high-speed rail, in recent years has caught the attention of the whole