初春的时节,早春的温暖仍不肯光顾大兴安岭北坡。到处是积雪覆盖,寒气袭人。我从岭南来到岭北,已经走了两个多月,纸画光了,笔画没了,鞋子也磨破了,这次体验生活即将结束,我准备启程返回哈尔滨。 老猎人拉基米用生硬的汉话告诉我,大兴安岭还有一个特别好看的奇观,叫琴鸡聚会。早春是琴鸡交尾的季节,从西伯利亚飞到这里的几百只琴鸡,在雪地上嬉戏、玩耍,各自为
Early spring season, the warmth of early spring is still not willing to patronize the northern slope of Daxinganling. There is snow covered everywhere, the cold is very hot. I came to Lingbei from Lingnan, has gone more than two months, the paper is painted, the stroke is gone, the shoes are worn out, and the experience of life is coming to an end. I am ready to leave for Harbin. Old hunter Rakijmi told me with blunt Chinese, Daxinganling there is a particularly good spectacle, called the chicken chicken party. Early spring is the mating season of the poultry chicken. Hundreds of chicken flying from Siberia to the area play and play on the snow,