【2014年7月14日,力洛克讯】在瑞士极富传奇色彩的地标马特洪峰山脚下,瑞士著名钟表品牌天梭揭幕了为纪念马特洪峰首次登顶150周年而特别设计的倒计时钟,正式开启为期一年的倒计时纪念活动。采尔玛特镇代表Andreas Binder先生,天梭瑞士市场经理Laurence Wolfrath女士,采尔马特镇镇长Christoph B(u|¨)rgin先生和镇旅游局长Daniel Luggen等嘉宾出席了倒计时启动仪式。作为伟大历史的见证者,逾160年不断突
[July 14, 2014, 力 力 克克 讯] At the foot of the Matterhorn in Switzerland’s legendary landmark, Swiss watch brand Tissot unveiled the countdown clock specially designed to mark the 150th anniversary of the first Matterhorn summit, Officially opened a one-year countdown to commemorate the event. Mr. Andreas Binder, Representative of Zermatt, Ms. Laurence Wolfrath, Marketing Manager of Tissot Switzerland, Mr. Christoph B (u ¨) rgin, Zermatt Mayor and Mr. Daniel Luggen, Director of Tourism, attended the countdown launching ceremony. As a witness of great history, over 160 years continuously