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目的观察异氟烷(Iso)对幼小鼠自主活动和学习记忆行为的影响,探讨其与γ-氨基丁酸A受体(GABAA)的关系。方法 360只小鼠分为3大组,分别进行自主活动实验、避暗实验和跳台实验,每大组按分层随机区组设计分为正常对照组,Iso 0.05,0.1和0.2 ml·kg-1组、GABAA受体特异性阻断剂一叶萩碱(Sec)2,4和8 mg.kg-1组和Iso 0.2 m.lkg-1+Sec 2,4和8 mg.kg-1组。小鼠sc给予Sec 10 min后,再ip给予Iso,测试给药后15,30,45和60 min小鼠5 min内活动次数;跳台仪和避暗仪记录小鼠步入、跳下的潜伏期和错误次数。结果与同一时间点的正常对照组相比,Iso可减少小鼠自主活动次数,给予Iso后1 d小鼠避暗实验和跳台实验的步入和跳下潜伏期缩短以及错误次数增加(P<0.05)。正常小鼠单独给Sec(除Sec 8 mg·kg-1组15 min外)对小鼠自主活动、步入和跳下潜伏期和错误次数无明显影响,但Sec可改善Iso导致的小鼠自主活动次数,拮抗Iso对小鼠自主活动的影响,但随着时间延长拮抗作用逐渐减弱,明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05)。Sec延长Iso小鼠的跳下和步入潜伏期,减少错误次数,基本恢复至正常对照组水平,明显改善Iso对幼小鼠学习记忆的影响(P<0.05)。结论 Iso可降低幼小鼠自主活动次数,损害学习记忆能力,GABAA受体可能部分参与了以上作用。 Objective To observe the effects of Iso on spontaneous activity and learning and memory behaviors of young mice and to explore its relationship with γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor (GABAA). Methods Three hundred and six mice were divided into three groups and were divided into three groups: control group, Iso 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 ml · kg- 1 group, GABAA receptor-specific blockers of 1, 4 and 8 mg.kg-1 group and Iso 0.2 m.lkg-1 + Sec 2,4 and 8 mg.kg-1 group . Mice sc given Sec 10 min, and then given ip ip, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after injection test mice within 5 min activity times; jump instrument and darkness instrument recorded mice into the jump to the incubation period And the number of errors. Results Compared with the normal control group at the same time points, Iso reduced the frequency of spontaneous activity in mice, and the latency to go to and from the jumping-off test and the number of mistakes were increased ). Sec alone (except for Sec 8 mg · kg-1 for 15 min) had no effect on the spontaneous activity of mice and the latency of entering and jumping and the number of false-positives. However, Sec could improve the autophagic activity of mice induced by Iso The antagonistic effect of Iso on the autonomic activity of mice was attenuated with time, but the antagonism was weaker than that of the normal control group (P <0.05). Sec prolonged Iso jumped off and into the incubation period, reducing the number of errors, the basic return to the normal control group, significantly improved Iso on young mice learning and memory (P <0.05). Conclusion Iso can reduce the frequency of spontaneous activity in young mice and impair the ability of learning and memory. GABAA receptor may partially participate in the above effects.
目的观察贴补法治疗外伤性鼓膜穿孔疗效。方法以1%的卡因棉片贴敷于鼓膜穿孔处,7 d更换1次,配合抗生素防止感染,促进穿孔的愈合。结果穿孔部位经1次或多次贴补后92%愈合。结
星期一是我们全校师生升国旗的日子。我早早就起床了,洗漱好,吃完早餐正准备出门去上学。爸爸提议说:“宝贝,今天天气好,我们跑步去学校吧,就当锻炼身体。”我一听,开心地赞成道:“好呀!好呀!”于是我们一起出門,比赛看谁先跑到学校。  我和爸爸你追我赶的,跑得很快。可是才没过多久,我就累得气喘吁吁,汗流浃背,明显体力不足,不知不觉速度就慢了下来。可是离学校还有一半的路程呢!跑在前面的爸爸看见我吃力的样子
目的 探讨气钡双重对比造影在小儿消化性溃疡诊断中的应用价值.方法 对36例经气钡双重对比造影检查诊断为胃十二指肠溃疡患儿的X线表现进行回顾性分析.结果 36例患儿中,胃溃
目的 探讨米非司酮保守治疗异位妊娠的临床疗效.方法 将120例自愿接受药物治疗的异位妊娠患者随机分为A、B两组,A组60例,采用甲氨蝶呤50 mg单次肌内注射;B组60例,口服米非司
摘 要:“校园足球”是指将足球(包括足球文化、足球技能、足球训练等)引入教学,以培养学生的足球兴趣为重点,让学生在足球运动中强身健体以及锻炼学生的意志品质和团队协作精神。我国目前正在中小学大力推广校园足球,教育部更是将小学校园足球的发展列为重点工作内容。小学校园足球的发展,不仅可以促进学生的身心发展,还能够为国家培养更多的足球后备力量,能够有效促进我国足球事业与体育事业的蓬勃发展。  关键词:小学