本文分析了寿县地区土地抛荒原因主要是 :农民出外打工 ,因缺乏技术、资金和市场信息而难以发展高效经济作物 ,土地因受自然灾害产出率低 ;提出了调整农业结构、建立土地经营权流转机制、改善生产条件和推广节本增效新技术等对策。
This paper analyzes the causes of land abandonment in Shouxian area mainly as follows: Farmers find it hard to go out to work, lack of technical, financial and market information to develop efficient cash crops. The output rate of land due to natural disasters is low. Proposed adjustment of agricultural structure and establishment of land management Right transfer mechanism, improve production conditions and promote cost-effective new technologies and other countermeasures.