以光束取代电流进行信息处理从而提高运算速度,这项研究早在二十年前就有人着手了。但是这项研究的进展非常缓慢,主要原因是制造和晶体管等价的光器件存在很大的困难。最近,贝尔实验室的科学家宣布他们已研制出了一种器件,在这一领域迈出了“革命性”的一步。贝尔实验室的这种器件取名为SEED(自动光电效应器件),是未来光计算机的主要组成部分。这种集成片子由上千个厚度相当于40个原子厚度的GaAs化合物和Al GaAs化合物交叠组成。具有这样结构的物质和原來物质单独存在时的性质完全不同。首先,
The use of light to replace the current information processing to improve the speed of the operation, as early as 20 years ago, this study was started. However, the progress of this research is very slow, mainly due to the great difficulty of manufacturing and translating the equivalent transistors of transistors. Recently, Bell Labs scientists announced that they have developed a device that has taken a “revolutionary” step in this area. The Bell Labs device, named SEED (Automated Optoelectronic Effect Devices), is a key part of the future of light computers. This integrated film consists of thousands of GaAs compounds and Al GaAs compounds with a thickness equal to 40 atoms thick. The nature of a substance with such a structure and the original substance alone is quite different. First of all,