Multi-wavelength sampled Bragg grating quantum cascade laser arrays

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yliudl
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A multi-wavelength sampled Bragg grating (SBG) quantum cascade laser array operating between 7.32 and 7.85 μm is reported. The sampling grating structure, which can be analyzed as a conventional grating multiplied by a sampling function, is fabricated by holographic exposure combined with optical photolithography. The sampling grating period was varied from 8 to 32 μm, and different sampling order ( 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order) modes were achieved. We propose that higher-order modes with optimized duty cycles can be used to take full advantage of the gain curve and improve the wavelength coverage of the SBG array, which will be beneficial to many applications.
In this work, we report a broadband terahertz wave modulator based on a top-gate graphene field effect transistor with polyimide as the gate dielectric on a PET substrate. The transmission of the terahertz wave is modulated by controlling the Fermi level
报道了一种Si基长波长、窄线宽光探测器。该探测器采用异质外延生长技术, 首先在Si衬底上生长高质量的GaAs基滤波器, 接着生长InP基PIN光探测结构。其中的GaAs/Si异质外延生长, 采用中间刻槽工序实现了高质量、无裂纹的GaAs基外延层。制备的集成器件, 在波长1573.2 nm处, 获得了1.1 nm的光谱线宽以及9%的量子效率, 其中吸收层厚度为300 nm。
The mode theory is the main way to study the propagation characteristics of light in fiber so far, but it is not suitable for analysis of light in duct. By using ray-tracing method, the rotary propagation characteristics of light in multimode- single mode
We present a 940 nm quasi-continuous wave semiconductor laser designed as a building block for high-power fiber coupled pump modules. The laser comprises a 400 μm narrow-stripe array mounted on an aluminum nitride substrate using hard solder. The chip has
针对光栅结构光系统测量误差对拟合结果的影响,提出了一种基于测量环境的误差确定方法。统计不同光源环境及测量距离下的高度测量误差,利用参数或非参数拟合获取其概率密度函数,将上述误差连同平面测量误差一起添加至理想平面模型,通过最小二乘法仿真计算出模型的法向量及定点坐标。实验结果表明:该方法得到的模型参数与根据真实测量数据计算得到的数值基本一致,法向及定点误差分别低于0.001 rad和0.233 mm;所提方法能有效解决光栅结构光系统在不同环境下测量结果精确度不高的问题,此外还能应对实际点云因数据缺失等因素而难
A passive mode-locked diode-pumped self-frequency-doubling Yb:YAB laser with a low modulation depth semiconductor saturable absorber mirror operating at 374 MHz is demonstrated. The measured pulse duration is 1.98 ps at the wavelength of 1044 nm. The maxi
为了制备大拓扑荷数涡旋光, 对基于螺旋相位板多通的拓扑荷数4重加倍进行了理论分析、仿真模拟和实验验证。根据菲涅耳衍射积分定理, 推导了基于螺旋相位板多通的涡旋光拓扑荷数加倍原理。设计了4重加倍装置, 建立了相应模型并模拟了拓扑荷数4重加倍后的涡旋光强分布。绘制了相对强度、光束半径随距离变化曲线, 得到了加倍过程中半径和强度不会发生突变的结论。最后, 使用该装置成功制备了拓扑荷数为4、8、12、16的涡旋光束并对该实验中高阶涡旋光质量较差的原因进行了分析。