宋佳天生丽质,风姿绰约,具有东方女性美的特点,在自然朴实中露清秀,端庄典雅中见柔美。更使人感到可贵和印象深刻的是她的坦城和直率,她很少来上海,第一次与她交谈,就能推诚相见,真是难得。在家乡人身边 我有话要说宋佳这次来上海,是接到她的母校——上海戏剧学院校友会的邀请,庆祝上戏成立五十周年,她提前结束在日本的访问,匆匆赶来,见到培育她在艺术道路上成长、成熟、成功的白发苍苍的老师时,激动得热泪盈眶,顿时语塞,也说不清要讲些什么,又怎么讲,遇到好
Song Jia natural beauty, graceful graceful, with the characteristics of oriental female beauty, in the simple and natural dew, dignified and elegant see softer. Even more impressive and impressed by her frankness and frankness, she rarely came to Shanghai, the first time I talked with her, it will be sincere and sincere, it is really rare. I have something to say about my native country Song Jia arrived in Shanghai this evening and was invited by her alma mater, the alumnus of the Shanghai Theater Academy, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the drama. She ended her visit in Japan ahead of schedule and hurriedly came , When I saw her white-haired teacher who grew up, matured and succeeded in art, I was so moved by tears, I could not tell what I was going to say, what to say and what I met