工商公字[2000]第245号湖南省工商行政管理局 :你局《关于湖南省旅游局、湖南省中国国际旅行社的行为是否分别属于限制竞争和滥收费用行为的请示》(湘工商公字[2000]140号)收悉。经研究 ,答复如下 :旅游行政管理机关属于《反不正当竞争法》第七条规定的政
Industry and Commerce [2000] No.245 Hunan Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce: Your Bureau’s Request for Instructions on Whether Hunan’s Tourism Administration or Hunan Province China International Travel Service Respectively Restrict Competition and Abuse Charges [2000] No. 140) received. After research, the reply is as follows: The tourism administration authority belongs to the provisions of Article 7 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law