“开源节流”是一切企业经营奉行的宗旨,现代市场环境的逐步规范和终端利润的缩小, 使企业逐渐走出了“暴利”阳光地带,降低成本成了企业获取更多、持续利益的源泉。有企业家直接称,没有利润的企业就是没有竞争力的企业。尤其在当今的微利时代,一个企业要想在这样的环境中存活下来,只有从成本上做文章才能争取到合理的利润。因为从自己口袋里省下一元钱,要比从竞争对手手里抢过一分钱或从客户手里赚回一分钱容易得多。有很多中小企业,他们没有知名的品牌,也没有什么独创的技术,更不拥有强有力的销售渠道,却照样获得高额的利润。他们的制胜法宝就是扬长避短,降低成本,以质优价廉取胜。虽然售价极低,但通过出色的成本控制和扩大销售量赢取了高额利润。
“Opening up sources and cutting expenditure” is the tenet of all business operations. The gradual standardization of the modern market environment and the reduction of terminal profits have enabled enterprises to gradually emerge from the “lucrative” sunshine zone. Reducing costs has become a source of more and more sustainable profits for enterprises. Some entrepreneurs directly said that no profit business is not competitive business. Especially in today’s meager profit era, an enterprise in order to survive in such an environment, only to make a fuss about the cost in order to win a reasonable profit. Because saving a dollar in your pocket is far easier than snatching a penny from a competitor or earning a penny from a client. There are many small and medium enterprises, they do not have well-known brands, there is no original technology, but do not have a strong sales channels, but still get high profits. Their magic weapon is to avoid weaknesses, reduce costs, quality and cheap to win. Although the price is very low, but by excellent cost control and expand sales have won high profits.