Stress is the word on everyone’s lips today. No matter where you go—school, the office, the pub. It may seem like an unavoidable—and sometimes intolerable—burden. Stress, however, is created by our attitude. Yes, there are external events that cause us concern, but how we 2)perceive the event determines the stress we feel. In this issue, we’ll lead you to understand stress properly and try to offer several good stress relieving ideas.
Now let’s begin our discussion by answering my following questions.
1. Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache? Have you had days when you were so loaded down with your job that you had trouble sleeping?
If your answer is yes, then you know what it’s like to feel stress. Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure, either from the outside world (school, work, family, friends) or from inside yourself (wanting to do well in school, wanting to fit in).
e.g. ?I get really 3)stressed-out waiting for my test results. It is quite scary on the morning, having to wait for them to be posted up at the school. I couldn’t eat any breakfast, although I did at least sleep the night before.?
2. Being stressed-out may bring the troubles to our life ultimately, then it’s essential for every one of us to figure out what causes our stress.
We often talk about feeling stressed and yet many of us are confused about what stress actually is and what causes it. Stress involves a relationship between the “bemands”made of you and the personal, emotional and organizational “resources”you possess to meet the “bemands.”
e.g. “The way I am perceived by the outside world has a lot of influence on how I feel about myself, like it or not, and no matter how much I tell myself that I don’t care what anyone else thinks, it really can affect me. My competitive 4)streak causes me a great deal of stress!”
3. How do you manage your stress in life? Have you tried to find a way to cope with it well or do you just run away from your problems?
The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life. That means everything in our life should get equal time. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: sleep, exercise, leisure, and food. There are many ways (conventional, funny or weird) to handle stress as long as they are safe and effective.
e.g. “Well, exercise and meditation do help me eliminate 5)chronic stress over the long term. But one thing I do that may sound 6)off-the-wall, is to scream at the top of my lungs and then yell every 7)obscenity I know at the situation. Sounds 8)wacky, but after 30 seconds to a minute of that, I have released most of my stress, and actually see how funny I must look, and end up laughing at myself.“
4. We have to admit that trying to live without stress, is like trying to live without truly living. So what attitude should we take to recognizing stress properly?
In fact, a little bit of stress is good. Most of us couldn’t push ourselves to do well at things without feeling the pressure of wanting to do well. After all, it is even a part of good things—tarting a new job, getting married, holiday celebrations. Therefore, we must strive to find peace-keeping and creative ways to approach stress, which means we will be able to live lives that are peaceful and creative.
Here, let’s listen to three friends sharing about how they deal with the stress in their life.
招数1:Organize Your Life 让生活条理化
This month has been a 9)veritable roller coaster of emotions and stressful moments—I’m beginning to see the physical signs of my stress.
I left myself with a whole mass of work for college, thinking I had weeks to start it all, but suddenly deadlines are looming. I find myself staring blankly at a computer screen every night until the library shuts, wishing I had the organizational skills I never inherited from my mother! This doesn’t actually feel particularly stressful at the time’it’s only when I think I’m finally relaxing that I notice the signals.
There seem to be a lot of little things the body does in reaction to stress that are barely noticeable when you’re in the midst of things but 10)materialize later on—like finding your jaw is clenched and your hands in fists when you’re in bed trying to sleep. It can also make your hair fall out more than normal—quite distressing.
I’ve been dealing with these symptoms by attempting to tackle the cause. I decided my work tactic from now on will be to start every assignment the week I get it, and spread the work out over the weeks. As for the muscle 11)spasms and the hair loss, yoga is the answer. My yoga class cures headaches, gives me energy even after a busy day, and stretches the muscles I never knew I had. I come out after an hour-and-a-half session feeling like I could do my day again, then I always get a good night’s sleep.
招数2:The Power of a Hot, Bubble Bath
Never underestimate the returns of taking the time out to take a long, hot bath. I took one last night probably for the first time in over two years. (Yes friends that is correct—t wo years. Can you believe it?) Well I threw in the bubbles, got my book that Debbie lent me and read and just shut myself off from what was going on right outside that door. It was awesome. I’m 12)off duty for the next two hours. I’m taking a bath. And there were no chores, no arguments. I always used to think it was so 13)cliche to say, “just take a hot bath to relieve stress.?But I realize that it works—as long as you actually set the time aside to just relax. No alternative agenda. The hot water and the 14)soothing fragrance of the bubble bath help to clear my mind and relax my body.
招数3:Journal Stress on Your 15)Blog
For me, extensive writing is a way to relax and work through complicated personal problems. The very act of writing out experiences and feelings leads to my self-discovery and clear thinking. The physical and psychological benefits are so apparent, this form of stress relief now has a clinical name—journaling. Many other people blog to 16)shed their “mask”and tell the world who they really are. For them, blogs give life to the inner voice. On the other hand, sometimes bloggers write to 17)unleash an 18)alter ego. Blogs give every Clark Kent a chance to be Superman. There is also the person who has a perpetual and powerful urge to state his opinion whether anyone is listening or not. Occasionally, such bloggers produce material of high quality and enormous interest; but even if the output is so-so, the blog could be their main form of release.
Now let’s begin our discussion by answering my following questions.
1. Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache? Have you had days when you were so loaded down with your job that you had trouble sleeping?
If your answer is yes, then you know what it’s like to feel stress. Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure, either from the outside world (school, work, family, friends) or from inside yourself (wanting to do well in school, wanting to fit in).
e.g. ?I get really 3)stressed-out waiting for my test results. It is quite scary on the morning, having to wait for them to be posted up at the school. I couldn’t eat any breakfast, although I did at least sleep the night before.?
2. Being stressed-out may bring the troubles to our life ultimately, then it’s essential for every one of us to figure out what causes our stress.
We often talk about feeling stressed and yet many of us are confused about what stress actually is and what causes it. Stress involves a relationship between the “bemands”made of you and the personal, emotional and organizational “resources”you possess to meet the “bemands.”
e.g. “The way I am perceived by the outside world has a lot of influence on how I feel about myself, like it or not, and no matter how much I tell myself that I don’t care what anyone else thinks, it really can affect me. My competitive 4)streak causes me a great deal of stress!”
3. How do you manage your stress in life? Have you tried to find a way to cope with it well or do you just run away from your problems?
The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life. That means everything in our life should get equal time. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: sleep, exercise, leisure, and food. There are many ways (conventional, funny or weird) to handle stress as long as they are safe and effective.
e.g. “Well, exercise and meditation do help me eliminate 5)chronic stress over the long term. But one thing I do that may sound 6)off-the-wall, is to scream at the top of my lungs and then yell every 7)obscenity I know at the situation. Sounds 8)wacky, but after 30 seconds to a minute of that, I have released most of my stress, and actually see how funny I must look, and end up laughing at myself.“
4. We have to admit that trying to live without stress, is like trying to live without truly living. So what attitude should we take to recognizing stress properly?
In fact, a little bit of stress is good. Most of us couldn’t push ourselves to do well at things without feeling the pressure of wanting to do well. After all, it is even a part of good things—tarting a new job, getting married, holiday celebrations. Therefore, we must strive to find peace-keeping and creative ways to approach stress, which means we will be able to live lives that are peaceful and creative.
Here, let’s listen to three friends sharing about how they deal with the stress in their life.
招数1:Organize Your Life 让生活条理化
This month has been a 9)veritable roller coaster of emotions and stressful moments—I’m beginning to see the physical signs of my stress.
I left myself with a whole mass of work for college, thinking I had weeks to start it all, but suddenly deadlines are looming. I find myself staring blankly at a computer screen every night until the library shuts, wishing I had the organizational skills I never inherited from my mother! This doesn’t actually feel particularly stressful at the time’it’s only when I think I’m finally relaxing that I notice the signals.
There seem to be a lot of little things the body does in reaction to stress that are barely noticeable when you’re in the midst of things but 10)materialize later on—like finding your jaw is clenched and your hands in fists when you’re in bed trying to sleep. It can also make your hair fall out more than normal—quite distressing.
I’ve been dealing with these symptoms by attempting to tackle the cause. I decided my work tactic from now on will be to start every assignment the week I get it, and spread the work out over the weeks. As for the muscle 11)spasms and the hair loss, yoga is the answer. My yoga class cures headaches, gives me energy even after a busy day, and stretches the muscles I never knew I had. I come out after an hour-and-a-half session feeling like I could do my day again, then I always get a good night’s sleep.
招数2:The Power of a Hot, Bubble Bath
Never underestimate the returns of taking the time out to take a long, hot bath. I took one last night probably for the first time in over two years. (Yes friends that is correct—t wo years. Can you believe it?) Well I threw in the bubbles, got my book that Debbie lent me and read and just shut myself off from what was going on right outside that door. It was awesome. I’m 12)off duty for the next two hours. I’m taking a bath. And there were no chores, no arguments. I always used to think it was so 13)cliche to say, “just take a hot bath to relieve stress.?But I realize that it works—as long as you actually set the time aside to just relax. No alternative agenda. The hot water and the 14)soothing fragrance of the bubble bath help to clear my mind and relax my body.
招数3:Journal Stress on Your 15)Blog
For me, extensive writing is a way to relax and work through complicated personal problems. The very act of writing out experiences and feelings leads to my self-discovery and clear thinking. The physical and psychological benefits are so apparent, this form of stress relief now has a clinical name—journaling. Many other people blog to 16)shed their “mask”and tell the world who they really are. For them, blogs give life to the inner voice. On the other hand, sometimes bloggers write to 17)unleash an 18)alter ego. Blogs give every Clark Kent a chance to be Superman. There is also the person who has a perpetual and powerful urge to state his opinion whether anyone is listening or not. Occasionally, such bloggers produce material of high quality and enormous interest; but even if the output is so-so, the blog could be their main form of release.