用价格抓住顾客的另一只手 《中国药店》:据了解,仟禧堂在今年4月初郑州市一场小规模的药品价格战中表现得尤为“灵活”。您当时接受媒体采访时说,面对价格战,作为郑州市药品零售市场老大的仟禧堂,要千方百计跟进得好一点。按照常理,背负有体制、人员等历史包袱的国有企业,一般不主张甚至极其反对价格战。请问,仟禧堂是出于何种考虑制定价格跟进策略的? 相:在海尔森药品降价以前,我们早就考虑药品价格问题了。仟禧堂自2000年6月18日正式成立连锁公司以来,在经营
Another hand to seize customers with prices China Pharmacy: It is understood that the ancestral hall was particularly flexible in a small-scale drug price war in Zhengzhou in early April this year. When interviewed by the media at the time, you said that in the face of price wars, as the ancestral hall of the pharmaceutical retail market in Zhengzhou City, we must do everything possible to follow up better. According to common sense, state-owned enterprises that bear historical burdens such as system and personnel generally do not advocate or even strongly oppose price wars. Excuse me, what is the reason for the ancestral temple to formulate a price follow-up strategy? Phase: Before the price reduction of Haier Sen’s medicine, we had already considered the issue of drug prices. Since the official establishment of the chain company on June 18, 2000, Ao Tang has been operating