袈裟白菜丸子 原料:大白菜嫩叶500克 优质粉丝50克虾仁50克 瘦猪肉250克 鸡蛋二个 干面粉50克 食盐5克 料酒3克 味精5克 麻油1克 葱姜末各2克 高汤100克 花生油750克 制作: 二.大白菜叶洗净入沸水锅焯熟取出,用冷水冲洗,控净水分,再一张张叠起,用直径8厘米的杯子放在白菜上按下,即成12个圆形片。 2.瘦猪肉加虾仁剁成细泥,加入食盐、味精、葱姜末、料酒、麻油、高汤调匀。 3.把白菜先逐片铺在案板上,然后将肉馅捏成12个大小均匀的丸子放在白菜片上,包好。 4.鸡蛋打入碗内搅散,加入面粉和淀粉,调成全蛋糊,再把粉丝剪成3厘米长的段。
袈 裟 cabbage balls raw materials: Chinese cabbage 500 grams of high-quality fans 50 grams of shrimp 50 grams of lean pork 250 grams of eggs two dry flour 50 grams of salt 5 grams of cooking wine 3 grams of MSG 5 grams of sesame oil 1 g onion ginger 2 grams of soup each 100 grams of peanut oil 750 grams Production: Two cabbage leaves washed into boiling water boiled cooked remove, rinse with cold water, control the net moisture, and then Zhang Zhang stacked, with a diameter of 8 cm cup on the cabbage press, Serve 12 A round piece. 2. Lean pork and shrimp chopped into fine mud, add salt, MSG, onion ginger, cooking wine, sesame oil, broth and mix thoroughly. 3. The first piece of cabbage spread on the chopping board, and then the meat into the pinball evenly into 12 pieces of cabbage, wrapped. 4. Eggs into the bowl, stir, add flour and starch, tune into a whole egg paste, and then fans cut into 3 cm long segment.