Influence of absorber doping in a-SiC:H/a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H solar cells

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tatimess
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This work deals with the design evaluation and influence of absorber doping for a-Si:H/a-SiC:H/a-SiGe: H based thin-film solar cells using a two-dimensional computer aided design(TCAD) tool.Various physical parameters of the layered structure,such as doping and thickness of the absorber layer,have been studied.For reliable device simulation with realistic predictability,the device performance is evaluated by implementing necessary models(e.g.,surface recombinations,thermionic field emission tunneling model for carrier transport at the heterojunction,Schokley-Read Hall recombination model,Auger recombination model,bandgap narrowing effects, doping and temperature dependent mobility model and using Fermi-Dirac statistics).A single absorber with a graded design gives an efficiency of 10.1%for 800 nm thick multiband absorption.Similarly,a tandem design shows an efficiency of 10.4%with a total absorber of thickness of 800 nm at a bandgap of 1.75 eV and 1.0 eV for the top a-Si and bottom a-SiGe component cells.A moderate n-doping in the absorber helps to improve the efficiency while p doping in the absorber degrades efficiency due to a decrease in the V_(OC)(and fill factor) of the device. This work deals with the design evaluation and influence of absorber doping for a-Si: H / a-SiC: H / a-SiGe: H based thin-film solar cells using a two-dimensional computer aided design (TCAD) tool. physical parameters of the layered structure, such as doping and thickness of the absorber layer, have been studied.For reliable device simulation with realistic predictability, the device performance is evaluated by cooperating necessary models (eg, surface recombinations, thermionic field emission tunneling model for carrier transport at the heterojunction, Schokley-Read Hall recombination model, Auger recombination model, bandgap narrowing effects, doping and temperature dependent mobility model and using Fermi-Dirac statistics. A single absorber with a graded design gives an efficiency of 10.1% for 800 nm thick multiband absorption. Similarly, a tandem design shows an efficiency of 10.4% with a total absorber of thickness of 800 nm at a band gap of 1.75 eV and 1.0 eV for the top a-Si and bottom aS iGe component cells. A moderate n-doping in the absorber helps to improve the efficiency while p doping in the absorber degradation efficiency due to a decrease in the V_ (OC) (and fill factor) of the device.
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