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研究了约束状况、失水条件及试件厚度等因素对水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能的影响 ,结果表明 :( 1 )增加钢筋框中部约束或取消钢筋框均可减少砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能 ;底部凹凸状约束及面层铺设钢丝网可使砂浆塑性开裂有所减小 ,但不能消除塑性开裂现象 ;基本去除约束的准自由状态可使砂浆免除塑性收缩开裂 .( 2 )失水条件对砂浆塑性收缩开裂有明显影响 .灯与电风扇同时开启所形成的“风吹日晒”比单纯“风吹”、“日晒”更易于使砂浆塑性收缩开裂 ;加强抹面处理可使塑性收缩开裂减小 ;维持较长时间的洒水养护可消除塑性开裂现象 .( 3 )增加试件厚度可减少砂浆的塑性收缩开裂 ;混凝土的抗塑性收缩开裂能力比砂浆强 The effects of restraint conditions, water loss conditions and specimen thickness on the plastic shrinkage cracking of cement mortar were studied. The results show that: (1) The plastic shrinkage and cracking behavior of mortar can be reduced by adding restraints in the middle of steel box or eliminating the steel frame; The shape constraint and surface laying of steel mesh can reduce the plastic cracking of mortar, but it can not eliminate the phenomenon of plastic cracking. The quasi-free state of the constraint can make the mortar free from plastic shrinkage and cracking. (2) Cracking has a significant impact.When the lamp and the fan open at the same time formed by the “wind and sun” than the simple “wind”, “sun” more easily plastic shrinkage cracking mortar; strengthen the plastic surface treatment can reduce plastic shrinkage cracking; Maintaining sprinkler curing for a long time can eliminate the plastic cracking phenomenon. (3) Increasing the thickness of the specimen can reduce the plastic shrinkage and cracking of the mortar; the plastic shrinkage and cracking resistance of the concrete is stronger than that of the mortar
摘要:在我们高中阶段的数学学习中,應用题是学习的一个难点,也是历年高考的必考内容,考查的是同学们的提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。在新课标颁布以后,高考中应用题的试题不仅仅是考查教材中的知识内容。在本文中,笔者首先阐述了应用题的特点,并对应用题的解题方法进行了分析,希望能对同学们有一些启发。  关键词:高中数学;应用题;特点;启示  在高中数学的新版教材中新增了一个教学的内容,研究性课题,这标
摘要:高中数学是高中生学习生涯中必须重视的一门学科,学好数学能够为物理,化学等其他理科的学习打好基础,数学作为三大主科之一,单科卷面分数占到高考总分的百分之二十,要想提高数学成绩,必须要加强自身的逻辑思维能力与研究题型特点,建立解题的思路与框架,形成一套相对完善的体系,文章基于高中生的角度,对数学应用题进行探究与分析,得出该类题型的特点以期获得思想上的启发。  关键词:高中数学;应用题;题型特点;