1、选好养鱼稻田。养鱼稻田应选择水源充足、排灌方便、保水力强、天旱不干、洪水不淹、日照时间长的稻田。 2、稻田养鱼的工程建设。结合冬季农田基本建设,加高、加固、加宽田埂。田埂高60-70厘米,宽60—80厘米,开挖鱼坑应占稻田总面积的5%~8%,鱼坑可建在田中、田边或四角,深80-100厘米。鱼坑
1, choose a fish farms. Fish farms should choose adequate water, irrigation and drainage convenience, strong water retention, drought drought, flood flooding, a long period of sunshine rice fields. 2, rice field fish construction. Combine the winter farmland construction, heightening, strengthening, widening Tian 埂. Tian 埂 high 60-70 cm, width 60-80 cm, excavation fishponds should account for 5% to 8% of the total area of rice fields, fish pit can be built in Tanaka, Tanabe or corners, 80-100 cm deep. Fish pit