为坚决响应毛主席“提高警惕,保卫祖国”、“要准备打仗”的伟大号召,最近实现了球形冷气瓶焊接工艺的革新,保证了焊接质量,提高了生产效率,确保了战备生产任务的完成。对球形冷气瓶所进行的焊接工艺的革新为: 1.在冷气瓶内部焊区通氩气保护原来焊接冷气瓶时,内部焊区没有通氩气保护(见图1,a),因而产生严重的氧化现象,必须用滚磨方法去除氧化层。这样,既影响质量,又浪费工时。现在焊接时,将夹持冷气瓶的二个顶尖中的一个用作输送氩气到冷
In order to resolutely respond to Chairman Mao’s vigorous call for “vigilance and defending the motherland” and “to be ready to fight,” the recent innovation in the welding of spherical gas cylinders has ensured the quality of welding and the production efficiency and ensured the completion of combat readiness production tasks . Innovations in the welding of spherical gas cylinders are as follows: 1. Protection of argon gas in the weld zone of the interior of the gas cylinder. In the original welding of the gas cylinder, there was no protection of argon gas inside the welding zone (see Figure 1, a) Oxidation phenomenon, you must use bar grinding method to remove the oxide layer. In this way, not only affect the quality, but also a waste of working hours. Now when soldering, one of the two tops of the holding cylinder will be used to deliver argon to the cold