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松毛虫骨关节病,亚急性期与慢性期,治疗上难度较人,98年10月-99年4月间,我们用中西医结合方法治疗亚急性期松毛虫骨关节病38例,取得较好疗效,现报告如下。 临床资料 1 一般资料 本组资料系住院病人和门诊病人,男性34例,女性4例,年龄8—46岁,致病以青壮年为主,致病原因均系接触林区松毛虫所致,全组病例在急性期均经抗生素、激素治疗2周-4周。 2.临床表现 本组病例,搔痒皮炎发生率36%,以风团和斑疹为主。骨关节炎的发生率100%,表现为关节部位肿胀、疼痛,尤以夜间疼痛为主,且有针刺样剧痛。受累关节以膝关节、跖趾关节和踝关节为主。 3 实验室检查 (1)血象:关节炎病人白细胞总数均高于正常。(2)血沉:关节炎病人血沉大部分升高,最高者100毫米/小时。(3)尿、粪常规:全组病例均正常。(4)免疫球蛋白、嗜依红白细胞、C反 Dendrolimus osteoarthritis, subacute and chronic phase, the treatment of more difficult, 98 years in October -9999 in April, we use the method of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of sub-acute Dendrolimus osteoarthritis in 38 cases, Good curative effect, report as follows now. Clinical data 1 General Information Department of Inpatient and Outpatient data in this group, 34 males and 4 females, aged 8-46 years old, the main cause of young adults, the cause of the disease are caused by contact with the pine forest, All cases in the acute phase by antibiotics, hormone treatment for 2 weeks -4 weeks. 2. Clinical manifestations of this group of patients, the incidence of itching dermatitis 36%, mainly to the wind group and rash. The incidence of osteoarthritis 100%, manifested as swelling of the joints, pain, especially at night mainly pain, and acupuncture-like pain. Involved joint to the knee, metatarsophalangeal joints and ankle-based. 3 laboratory tests (1) blood: the total number of leukocytes in patients with arthritis were higher than normal. (2) erythrocyte sedimentation rate: most patients with arthritis elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the highest 100 mm / hour. (3) urine, manure: all the patients were normal. (4) immunoglobulin, addicted to red white blood cells, C anti
肺结核和肝炎是危害人类健康的常见传染病。肺结核合并肝炎治疗颇为棘手 ,从 1995年 1月至 1999年 3月 ,收治的 4 86例肺结核中同时患有肝炎者 65例( 13 37% ) ,我们采用中西
1 Introduction Dogai Coring is a name of lake lied in the northern Tibet.There are a series of modern salt springs and theies travertines.All of salt springs ha
摘 要:课堂提问是一项设疑、激趣、引思、回味的综合性教学艺术,它既是教师教学素养的展示,更是教师先进教学理念与教学机智的体现。如何点拨学生,这里包含一个课堂提问艺术性的问题。在新课程理念下,教师重视德育课堂提问的艺术性,善加指点,引领寻智,一定能收到事半功倍的教学效果。  关键词:德育课;课堂;提问;艺术  新课改倡导“让课堂充满活力,让学生成为学习主人”的探究式、互动型课堂教学理念,于是在德育新