通过野外调查与室内饲养观察相结合的方法,研究了丹参旋心异跗萤叶甲的生物学特性。结果表明,该虫在陕西山阳1年发生1代。以卵在土内越冬。越冬卵于翌年5月底开始孵化,6月底开始化蛹。成虫始见于7月中、下旬,发生盛期为8月上旬至下旬,8月上旬开始产卵越冬。卵、幼虫、蛹及成虫的平均发育历期分别为278.6、48.5、6.4 d及22.9 d。同时,对其产卵行为、交配行为、活动规律及取食为害进行了初步观察。
Through the combination of field investigation and indoor feeding observation, the biological characteristics of Salvia miltiorrhiza were studied. The results showed that the insects occurred in Shanxi Sanyang 1 year generation. Egg in the soil through the winter. Wintering eggs begin to hatch at the end of May the following year, and pupae begin to be harvested by the end of June. Adult first seen in mid-July, late, the peak occurs from early August to late August, early winter began to lay eggs overwintering. The average developmental stages of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults were 278.6,48.5,6.4 d and 22.9 d, respectively. At the same time, preliminary observations were made on their spawning behavior, mating behavior, activity patterns and feeding hazards.