1992年12月29日,商州市工商银行家属楼基建工地在施工中发现墓葬。商洛地区文管会办公室闻讯即派人前往,共清理唐墓10座、明墓1座,另有1座宋墓已被全部挖毁,仅在乱土中清理到一枚“元祐通宝”钱币。这次清理的唐墓中,有2座形制和规模基本相同,其余唐墓则属于另一个类型。根据这些唐墓的类型和完整程度,我们选出其中的5座并依次编为 M1—M5简报如下。
December 29, 1992, Shangzhou City Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s basement construction site found in the construction of tombs. Shangluo District Office of Cultural Affairs Office hearing that sent people to go to clean up a total of 10 Tang Tombs, a Ming Tombs, and another Song Tomb has been all dredged, only to clean up the mess to a “Yuanyou Tongbao ”coins. The tomb tombs of this cleanup, there are two forms and sizes are basically the same, the remaining tombs belong to another type. Based on the types and completeness of these tomb tombs, we selected 5 of them and compiled them in the order of M1-M5 as follows.