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初高中化学的衔接问题一直是高一化学教学面临的一个难题。高一必修内容是高中化学学习的关键阶段,在会考和高考中占有很大的比例。初高中化学虽说在知识和内容方面有一定的重叠,但教材内容的变化导致化学知识存在比较明显的脱节现象,在学习过程中存在一定的盲点,同时高中化学知识在深度、广度和难度上都有很大的提高,导致不少学生进入高中后对化学科目的学习有较强的不适应感,为此,本文探讨了初高中化学衔接的方法,分析学生学习的困难,制定相应的教学策略,并总结出学习高中化学的方法,使刚刚迈入高中的学生能顺利完成初高中化学的过渡。 The connection between chemistry in primary and secondary schools has always been a challenge for higher chemistry teaching. High school compulsory content is a critical stage of high school chemistry, in the exam and college entrance examination account for a large proportion. Although junior high school chemistry has a certain overlap in knowledge and content, the change of teaching content leads to the obvious disconnection of chemistry knowledge, and there are some blind spots in the learning process. At the same time, the depth, breadth and difficulty of chemistry knowledge in senior high school Resulting in a lot of students into high school after the chemical subjects have a strong sense of incompetence, therefore, this article explores the method of primary school chemistry convergence, analysis of students' learning difficulties, the development of appropriate teaching strategies , And summed up the method of learning chemistry in high school, so that students just entering high school can successfully complete the transition of chemistry in junior high school.
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河北省东光县县委书记张国斌,担任县人武部党委第一书记5年来,珍惜“帅”位,不做虚官,使人武部的全面建设不断迈上新台阶。 “挂帅,就要对武装工作高度负责” 张国斌认为,自
表1 1997年和1998年本刊在中国科技期刊引证报告中的统计数据年 份统计源刊数总引频次影响因子影响因子在同类期刊中排序199712141070.2456199812861820.2504表2 1997年和
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