Herbal Prescriptions consist of traditional Chinese medicines, prescriptions are not medicine heap, Prescriptions than traditional Chinese medicine “more ” out of the seven drugs of the seven emotions fit human nature, the formation of more than part of the overall effectiveness; Hundreds of seven emotions and Hundreds of different nature Shun is the seven emotions of people This is unique to traditional Chinese medicine “drug” mode, so far in the world only Chinese use. First of all, the qualifications of Chinese medicine itself include the possibility of doing empirical scientific research. From ancient experience-based Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs to today’s technology-based technologies such as modern separation purification, technical qualitative Second, organic theory from the ancient philosophy of nature as a whole to the 20th century system theory is also the most advantageous development characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; again, without losing the human face, the target of traditional Chinese medicine is The individual properties of people, rather than the body’s bacterial population, especially the traditional Chinese medicine compound “medicine without prescription and ” combination medication; therefore, Critical Path to Complex Development Research.