我不止一次地去过天津南开中学,不止一次地参观过教学楼东楼第四教室——“周恩来同学’上课用过 的教室。凝视着教室墙壁上三角形罗兰紫色的别致校旗,默诵着著名的“容止格言”:“面必净,发必理;衣 必整,钮必结;头容正,肩容平;胸容宽,背容直。气象勿傲,勿暴勿怠;颜色宜和,宜静宜庄”,浮躁的 心渐渐沉静下来。我把双手撑在那张“世间最美的课桌”上,遥想着那个“爱南开”的翩翩美少年。“君字 翔宇……十五来津门,遂入南开。初至,英文非佳,嗣发奋攻读。君于新剧,尤其特长,牺牲色相,粉墨登 场,倾倒全座……”这是“周恩来同学中学毕业评语”里面的句子。无端地,就非常非常喜欢这句子,觉得 有一双照亮过半个世纪的眼睛就在这句子后面微笑。
I have visited Tianjin Nankai Middle School on more than one occasion, and I have visited the fourth classroom of the East Building of the Teaching Building, “Classmate Zhou Enlai” used in class, on more than one occasion. I stare at the chic triangle on the classroom wall with a triangle of Roland’s chic school banner. “Tolerate the proverbs”: "The face must be clean and the hair must be taken care of; the clothes must be full and the buttons must be knotted; the head is right, and the shoulders are flat; the chest is wide and the back is straight. The weather should not be prideful, and should not be undone; the colors should be appropriate, and should be quiet and pleasant.” The impetuous heart gradually calmed down. I put my hands on that “the most beautiful school desk in the world,” thinking of the “love of Nankai”. He is young and beautiful.” Junji Xiangyu...Twelve came to Tianjin and broke into Nankai. At the beginning of the trip, English was not good. Jun Yu’s new plays, especially his special skills, sacrificed his hue, made his appearance, and poured out his seats... “This is a sentence in the “Graduating Comments of Zhou Enlai’s High School Students.” Unexpectedly, I like this sentence very much and feel that it has been illuminated for half a century. The eyes smiled behind the sentence.