1 利用模式根据已报道育成的辣椒雄性不育遗传资料,辣椒雄性不育在生产上能够利用的模式有两种:①核基因不育型,雄性不育只受核基因控制,与细胞质无关,可育对不育为显性,在生产上可用两用系制种,即制种田亲本中有50%植株可育,应拔除,50%植株不育,作为母本。此种模式因需拔除50
1 Utilization patterns According to reported genetic breeding of male sterile pepper, pepper male sterile in the production can take advantage of the two modes: ① nuclear genic male sterility only by the nuclear gene control, has nothing to do with the cytoplasm, Fertile pairs of male sterile dominant in the production of dual-purpose seed available, that is, the system of farming parents, 50% of the plants fertile, should be removed, 50% of the plant sterile, as the female parent. This model due to need to unplug 50