会计信息系统的拓展 如何将医院已建立起来的独立的会计信息系统与医院其他管理系统衔接起来,形成一个以财务会计数据为核心的医院管理信息系统,这是我们在开发财务会计应用软件上碰到的一个重要问题。随着计算机技术的发展、网络技术的成熟及普及,建立一个全面的医院管理信息系统已是必然趋势。财务会计信息则是医院经营管理活动中最重要的经济信息,它可为医院各级领导、各个管理部门提供各种经营决策所需数据。医院会计必然要从现在的核算型向经营管理型过渡。而医院会计信息系统必将与其他管理系统联网,以形成医院的一个完整的管理信息系统。
The development of accounting information system how to link the hospital’s established independent accounting information system with other hospital management systems to form a hospital management information system with financial accounting data as its core. This is what we encountered in the development of financial accounting application software. One of the important issues. With the development of computer technology and the maturity and popularity of network technology, it is an inevitable trend to establish a comprehensive hospital management information system. Financial accounting information is the most important economic information in hospital management activities. It can provide all levels of hospital leadership and various management departments with the data needed for various business decisions. Hospital accounting must inevitably shift from the current accounting model to the management model. The hospital accounting information system must be networked with other management systems to form a complete management information system for the hospital.