迈克尔·黑泽(Michael Heizer)是美国当代大型雕塑和大地艺术家,目前生活和工作在美国的内华达州。迈克尔·黑泽1944年出生于加州的伯克利,他的父亲罗伯特·黑泽(Robert Heizer)是著名的加州大学伯克利分校的考古学博士。黑泽在法国读了一年高中后,进入旧金山艺术学院进修(1963-64),并于1966年搬往纽约市,在苏荷区的莫色尔大街找到一处阁楼,开始创作小规模的传统绘画和雕塑。
Michael Heizer is a contemporary large-scale sculpture and land artist in the United States, currently living and working in the U.S. state of Nevada. Born in Berkeley, California, in 1944, his father, Robert Heizer, is a prominent archeologist at the University of California, Berkeley. After one year of high school in France, Blackpool entered the San Francisco Academy of Art (1963-64) and moved to New York City in 1966 to find a loft on Mosel Avenue in SoHo to start small-scale Traditional painting and sculpture.