尿沉渣镜检是检测肾损害常用的筛选指标之一,方法简便快速。本文观察了铅、汞接触者尿液中肾小管上皮细胞,并探讨了其在健康监护中的意义。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 检查对象为某蓄电池厂72名铅接触工人,其中男性43人,年龄20~51岁,平均28岁;工龄1~33年,平均7.5年;铸片车间(低浓度)44人,装配车间(高浓度)28人。某灯泡厂汞接触工人81名,其中男性61人,年龄17~54岁,平均26岁;接汞工龄1~28年,平均5年。对照组为近期未接触毒物的工人、
Urinary sediment microscopy is one of the commonly used screening indicators to detect renal damage, the method is simple and quick. In this paper, we examined the renal tubular epithelial cells in the urine of lead and mercury exposed patients and explored its significance in the health monitoring. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object The object of inspection for a lead-acid battery factory 72 lead workers, including 43 males, aged 20 to 51 years old, with an average of 28 years; length of 1 to 33 years, an average of 7.5 years; casting workshop (low concentration) 44 people, assembly workshop (high concentration) 28 people. A bulb factory contact workers 81, of which 61 were males, aged 17 to 54 years old, average 26 years old; received mercury for 1 to 28 years, an average of 5 years. Control group for the recent non-exposure to poison workers,