Research on the credit classification of practicing qualification personnel in construction market b

来源 :中国工程科学:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyron2005
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Combining with the characters of the practicing qualification personnel in construction market, evaluation method based on the self-organizing neural network is brought out to analyze the credit classification of the practicing qualification personnel. And the impact factors on the credit classification of the practicing qualification personnel, such as the number of neurons, the training steps, the dimension of neurons and the field of winning neurons are studied. Then a self-organizing competitive neural network is built. At last, a case study is conducted by taking practicing qualification personnel as an example. The research result reveals that the method can efficiently evaluate the credit of the practicing qualification personnel; thus, it could provide scientific advice to the construction enterprise to prevent relevant discreditable behaviors of some practicing qualification personnel.
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