【摘 要】
British Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to China has drawn wide public attention owing to his extra-large entourage of business executives, as well as his statement made prior to the visit that B
From the best seats in the house, audience members easily fall under the ballerina’s spell, enraptured by, or even envious of, the graceful performers and their carefree lives of dance. But behind the
Can people actually sleep with their eyes open? What causes red dyes to run in the wash? Why do headphone wires get twisted inside jacket pockets? While the answers to these great, life mysteries can
Biking toward the village, where I should have seen nothing but rare Beijing darkness, I saw a gleaming new Holiday Inn—complete with valet parking and big, gaudy columns. It is a route I took every
In China today many boys behave girlishly and many girls behave like boys. To change this situation, a middle school in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan Province, has set up 28 standards in order to c
欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)是欧盟应对气候变化的政策框架支柱.该体系试验阶段(2005-2007年)的运行为欧盟履行,运用总量交易机制促进温室气体减排,以及寻求低碳经济的发展模式