Images in Classical Chinese Poetry

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuyingheng
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  【Abstract】Most of Classical Chinese poems can be read as a commentary upon current events and society. Certain images and symbolism become quite conventional, and are the crux to understand many of the Classical Chinese poems. For example, the falling leaves in autumn can refer to personal or dynastic decline. The paper will take the film Life of Pi for example.
  【Key words】Classical Chinese poems; Life of Pi
  I. Symbols in Life of Pi
  Has been deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture, Ang Lee’s works are full of the metaphorical beauty of classical Chinese poetry. Appreciate a piece of poetry, which is aimed at the country and the people, for the most part, is covered by wind, flowers, snow, and moon. For example, Spring Comes to Jiangnan written by Du Mu:
  (千里鶯啼绿映红)Red against green, and a huge troupe of warblers singing;
  (水村山郭酒旗风)Hillside, riverside hamlets, with blue flags fluttering.
  (南朝四百八十寺)The Southern Dynasties had four hundred eighty Building temples;
  (多少楼台烟雨中)How many towers and terraces are wrapped in misty drizzles?
  Maybe we can see a vivid and imaginary picture scroll of Jiangnan, but as a matter of fact, an array of temples exactly shows poet’s worry about the governor. Traditional narrative pattern always merciless on the surface, and soft inside. Ang Lee reforms this traditional method and replaces it by classical Chinese poetry. He makes full use of images to make the classical features prominent. Life of Pi is a movie, and also a piece of poetry.
  First, Richard Parker is young Pi, the hyena represents the cook, the orangutan represents Pi’s mother, and the zebra is the Buddhist sailor. There are so many details and foreshadowing unifying the whole film and making it possess the beauty of zigzag and metaphor, the effects of “one word, three sighs” and “the tune lingered in the room” are shown fully. Second, lotus flower is another representative image. The first place the lotus flower appears is drawn by Pi’s mother, she combines it with Visnu——the God of Hindus. So later Pi sees his mother’ image in the water which turns from the lotus flower. The second place is after Pi growing up, meeting his first lover Anandi and there is a lotus flower in the forest in the dance. So later Pi found a tooth in the lotus flower on cannibal island. These two echoing are elaborate and the chaste lotus also makes the reality more cruel. Third, the lotus flower is one of religious musical apparatus of Visnu. Everyone knows about it that Visnu has become fish to save ordinary people, so the first fish Pi kills is the embodiment of Visnu, at least, he ascribes it to Visnu, and connect to the second story which the adult Pi tells us, the fish is the people. Fourth, Visnu is told by Pi’ mother and it implies that Pi will be surviving by eating his mother: the shape of the island like a woman, the rootstock is an image of his mother, the meerkats on the island represent decay, the lake in the center of the island can be regarded as gastric acid and the meaning of the tooth is surely clear. Among these beautiful things, we feel nearly cold and horrible, as the same as we feel angry after reading Spring Comes to Jiangnan. Maybe the effect of images in classical Chinese poetry you will not know if I don’t say, that is because they are so perfect no less than the nature itself.   II. A Visual Treat
  What astonishes me is how much I love the use of 3-D in Life of Pi. I’ve never seen the medium better employed, and although I continue to have doubts about it in general, Lee never uses it for surprises or sensations, but only to deepen the film’s sense of places and events. The whole movie is a dream, and it’s so unique and beautiful no fewer than Avatar. People say it’s a Chinese Ink and wash painting. Yes, it is. Just as classical Chinese poetry, this is also a piece of monochrome abbreviated ink work. The most important thing in classical Chinese art is the essence of objects, the spirit and emotion conveyed by artists. The objective fact seems to be unimportant, this is an art about subjectivity. What is called “scrambled in appearance but united in spirit”. Shape is not alike, but resemblance in spirit. Just because this unusual visual style, we find ourselves in an entirely new world, along with the special effects of light.
  III. Conclusion
  Many Classical Chinese poems appear simple on the surface, but contain deeper, more profound ideas. In order to realize what these are, readers are expected to meet the poet on the way—not just to be told something, but to actively think and feel in sympathy with the poet or the poet’s characters. And it’s really the sensual pleasure to enjoy Life of Pi as enjoying classic Chinese poetry.
  [1]Spence,Jonathan D,2004,The Chan’s Great Continent:China in Western Minds.[M]N.Y.:Penguin Books Ltd.
近年来,想要加入公务员队伍的人持续激增。据统计,2010年国家公务员考试,共有144万人报考,比2003年的12.3万人高出11倍,最热门的职位甚至创下了4961∶1的纪录,而2012年的国考报考人数也达到130万,录取比例为53:1。公务员考试已经成为名副其实的“天下第一考”,其艰难远胜过考取北大、清华。  研究机构对“公务员热”的调查表明,“公务员热”始于大学扩招,更多是出于经济利益考虑。由于
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考虑到各地的文化差异性,色彩专家潘通也开始差异化发布流行色报告,比如前不久发布的 2017 秋冬流行色,就首次以纽约和伦敦的双城角度,根据两座城市的人文特色,为流行趋势把脉。  所以这个秋冬,要怎么穿才贴潮?  是的,我们最近两年一直谈论的潘通又来搞事情了。  因为人眼对色彩的感受最直观,色彩就理所当然成了一门计划缜密的生意。权威色彩研究机构潘通(Pantone)发布流行色趋势,从年度色到季度色,
“你来得不是时候。”  “迪拜不是常年都这个样子吗,干燥、炎热,沙漠地带……”我说。  “可真没有眼下那么热。10月份开始会凉快一点。”他看看门外,“大家拍照的时间会长一点。”  Ted是个工作人员,售卖着各式各样的旅游纪念品。  此刻我正站在哈利法塔的124层上,环绕的玻璃幕墙能让人在这里基本看到迪拜的全貌。这是座名副其实的沙漠城市。炎热气温下,尽管也濒临海边,但蔚蓝的海面并没有带来很高的能见度
建筑造型总是很容易在第一时间给人留下深刻印象。不论是巴黎铁塔还是北京的“大裤衩”,高耸入云、怪状奇形、颜色艳丽,视觉的张力总是能准确抓取人们的注意力。但是,即便是面貌姣好的型男美女,少了点可让人深入的内涵,还是会让人望之却步,失去探索的乐趣。  The Orange Cube同样使用了极讨好的手法,实现了极具冲击力的视觉效果。难得的是,它在建筑概念上的挑衅与功能的落实方面,也算得上是创造出了全新的
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在巴黎以南20公里的布雷蒂尼,火车站的钟依然停在5点14分,那正是悲剧发生的时间。  7月12日,就在法国国庆假期前夕的晚高峰时间里,一辆从巴黎开往利摩日方向的火车载着385名乘客,在途经布雷蒂尼时突然失控,火车七节车厢中的四节脱轨,以85英里/小时的速度狠狠撞上了拥挤的月台。  火车撞击月台造成像地震一般的响动,目睹事故发生的车站工作人员说,“那就像末日一样可怕”。6人当场死亡,其中4人是在月台
在孟加拉的达卡古城,这些建筑就像是被遗忘的纪念碑一样,矗立在城市里。最初,这些影院都是为了大众的娱乐而建:人们从嘈杂、慌乱的生活中逃避至此。坐在黑暗之中,在破旧的墙屋之间,享受片刻的自我,找到些许宁静。但随着我们的世界越来越数字化,这些具有魅力的地方失去了他们的观众,变成了腐朽之地。  1931年,孟加拉国才上映了第一部长片电影《最后的吻》。上映位置就在达卡古城的阿扎德影院。1971年孟加拉国独立
61个城市,历时18个月,采样5.6万多人,一项规模空前的专项调查在中国男男同性恋人群中展开。半年前,调查结果已出,但报告至今仍以“暂不公开”状态留存在卫生部。调查显示:存在高危性行为的男男同性恋群体已成为艾滋病感染的高危人群,情况之严重,远远超出他们自己的想象。西南地区某城市,每5个男男同性恋者之中,就有1个感染了艾滋病。  在12平方米的小屋里,捏着一瓶拉夫米定片,小勇(化名)向老王建议:“去