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课堂教学的有效性表现在许多不同层次上,学生是否有进步是衡量教学有效性的唯一指标。也就是说,有效的教学必然要使学生获得充分发展。这个“发展”从内容上说包括知识技能、情感态度、价值观的和谐统一发展,有效的课堂教学活动沉淀下来的是一种思维方式和精神。走进常态下的初中英语课堂,学生“动”起来了,课堂“活”起来了,经常让人感受到热闹,但极少让人怦然 The effectiveness of classroom teaching is manifested at many different levels. Whether students progress or not is the only measure of the effectiveness of teaching. In other words, effective teaching is bound to enable students to fully develop. This “development ” from the content, including knowledge and skills, emotional attitudes, the harmonious development of values, effective classroom teaching activities are precipitated is a way of thinking and spirit. Into the normal junior high school English classroom, students “move ” up, the classroom “living ” up, often make people feel lively, but rarely make people suddenly