1985~1988年,我科采用空气扩张取石法治疗24例前尿道结石患者,均获得成功,介绍如下: (一)临床资料本组24例均为男性,尿道悬垂部结石,结石横径1.5 cm者1例,1.2cm以下23例。(二)方法平卧,2%利多卡因或0.3%地卡因粘膜表面麻醉或全身麻醉(小儿)。尿道内注入1~2 ml无菌石蜡油加以润滑。用10 ml注射器抽好空气,空针乳头伸入尿道外口塞紧。助手将尿道球部向耻骨联合处压迫,以阻空气进入脐胱。术者将空气注入尿道内使尿道扩张,然后轻柔地挤动结
From 1985 to 1988, 24 patients with anterior urethral calculus were treated by air expansion and stone extraction, and all were successful. The clinical data were as follows: (1) Clinical data All the 24 patients in this study were male. The diameter of urethral hanging stones was 1.5 cm 1 case, 23 cases below 1.2cm. (B) the method of supine, 2% lidocaine or 0.3% dexamethasone mucosal surface anesthesia or general anesthesia (pediatric). Instillation of urethral 1 ~ 2 ml of sterile paraffin oil to be lubricated. Draw the air with a 10 ml syringe and insert the nipple into the urethral orifice. Assistant urethra ball to the pubic symphysis oppression, to block the air into the umbilical. The surgeon injects air into the urethra to dilate the urethra and squeezes the knot gently