2001年11月22日下午4时许,韩国西海岸某发射场上,随着一声令下,一枚火箭喷吐着火焰腾空而起,经过几分种的短暂飞行,准确击中预定目标。这是韩国陆军近期试验近程(射程100公里)地对地导弹的一个场面。 20世纪90年代以来,随着韩国科技的不断进步,韩国的国防科技也得到了前所未有的发展,一大批独立开发研制的防空导弹、坦克、新型舰艇等“尖端武备”相继亮相,其
At about 4 pm on November 22, 2001, a missile on the west coast of South Korea fired at a whirlwind, and after a short flight of several sorts, hit its intended target accurately. This is a scene recently conducted by the South Korean Army to test a short-range surface-to-surface missile (with a range of 100 kilometers). Since the 1990s, with the continuous advancement of South Korean science and technology, South Korea's national defense science and technology have also enjoyed unprecedented development. A large number of “sophisticated military equipment” such as air defense missiles, tanks and new ships developed independently have been unveiled one after another.