用中心波长为254nm、光照强度为4μW/cm~2的紫外线,照射合浦珠母贝[Pinctada ma-tensil(D_o)]和长耳珠母贝[Pinctada chemnitzi(P_o)]的精子,然后与合浦珠母贝的正常卵授精,在0-150s的照射范围内,从早期胚胎存活率上可以观察到“Hertwig效应”的存在,由此得到的单倍体和非整倍体胚胎在孵化前死亡。精子经120s紫外线照射后,染色体完全失活,但受精作用仍能正常发生。长耳珠母贝精子经 120s照射,异种授精(♀合×♂长)后21min,用浓度为0.4mg/l的细胞松弛素B处理15min,抑制受精卵的第二极体排放,可以诱发合浦珠母贝产生74.0%雌核二倍体胚胎,其孵化率为2.1%。
The sperm of Pinctada ma-tensil (D_o) and Pinctada chemnitzi (P_o)] were irradiated with UV light with a central wavelength of 254 nm and a light intensity of 4 μW / cm ~ 2, Normal egg fertilization of pearl oyster, the presence of “Hertwig effect” was observed from the survival rate of early embryos in the range of 0-150 s, and the haploid and aneuploid embryos thus obtained died before hatching . Sperm after 120s UV irradiation, the chromosome completely inactivated, but the fertilization can still occur normally. The long-eared mother of pearl sperm by 120s irradiation, heterologous insemination (♀ × × ♂ long) after 21min, with a concentration of 0.4mg / l cytochalasin B treatment 15min, inhibition of the second polar body of fertilized egg emissions can be induced Hepu Phellodendron yielded 74.0% of gynogenetic diploid embryos with a hatching rate of 2.1%.