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在青岛几千年的历史发展中,出现了一些有影响的世家大族。这些世家大族在形成和发扬青岛家族门风方面,发挥了重要作月。汉魏之际的家族汉魏之际是青岛家族文化开风气之先的时期。这一时期,青岛历史上出现的比较显赫的家族,主要有王氏、伏氏和公沙家族。先来说说王氏家族。青岛最早并有较大影响的家族是西汉时期以王吉为首的王氏家族。王吉为琅邪皋虞(今青岛即墨)人,他精通儒家经典,为官清正忠直,是朝庭倚重的大臣,、当时有“王阳在位,贡公弹冠”的说法, During the several thousand years of historical development in Qingdao, some influential monks and nuns emerged. These family monks in the formation and development of Qingdao family style, played an important part for the month. The occasion of the Han and Wei Dynasties Han and Wei clan is the occasion of Qingdao family culture open style. During this period, the most prominent families in the history of Qingdao were Wang, Vs, and Gongsha families. First to talk about the Wang family. The earliest and most influential family in Qingdao was the Wang clan headed by Wang Ji during the Western Han Dynasty. Wang Ji Langyao Gao Yu (now Qingdao Jimo) people, he is proficient in Confucian classics, Guan Qing Zheng Zhong is straight, court relies on the minister, there was “Wang Yang reign, tribute crown crown” saying,